The Orientation and Questions must be completed prior to licensing. Click the button below to access the pdf files. (This can be mailed out if requested)
Introduction to Children’s Mental Health training discusses a number of common mental health diagnoses that foster and adoptive children often present within the child welfare system. Each diagnosis is discussed in terms of origins, symptoms, behaviors, treatment, interventions, and cultural considerations. It includes information and helpful tips about common co-occurring or dual diagnoses.
This course meets the training requirement in Minnesota Statute 245A.
Introduction to Children’s Mental Health has 19 learning modules. Click the box below to open a new web page and access the training.
This training is a state requirement and needs to be completed prior to becoming licensed.
FASD Required Training - (Click here for a pdf of the MN Statue 245A.175)
Initial Licensing - 1 hour of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) training is required in addition to the 12 hours of annual training.
Click the words/link below to access the training:
Pr%f Alliance: What Foster, Prospective, and Post Adoptive Caregivers Need to Know about FASD
After you watch the training, return to this page, click the box below to fill out the training report form.
Required every 5 years if caring or helping to care for children 5 years old or younger.
Clicking the box below with bring you to the 7 videos and online report form.
Remember that your SUID/AHT training needs to be renewed every 5 years!
Step 1: Complete the Online Car Seat Basics Course
Access the Online Car Seat Basics Course
Link for Step 1: Child Passenger Safety Learning Portal
Important Details for Step 2 (In-Person Evaluation)
finishing the Car Seat Basics online course to remain valid.
Link for Step 2: BEST Locator - Buckle Up Minnesota
Remember that your Car Seat training needs to be renewed every 5 years!
This is an AIFACS required annual training:
Workers in a number of professions, including health care, social services, psychological treatment, child care, education, corrections, law enforcement and clergy, are required to report suspected child maltreatment.
To help mandated reporters better understand the law and reporting requirements, please click the link below to access the training available:
These videos meet the annual training requirement in MN Statute 245A:
* Children's Mental Health (3 hrs)
* ADHD (1 hour)
* Anxiety (1 hour)
* Depression (1 hour)
* Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (1 hour)
* Autism (1 hour)
Annual Requirement - 1 hour of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder training is required and can be included in the 12 hours of annual training.
FASD Video - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD): A Hidden Disability
This can be used for mental health Training but not for initial licensing. For initial licensing, you would still need to do 1 or more videos posted under the Mental Health Training section.
This training is required if you can for youth ages 18-21 in extended foster care. Clicking the box below will bring you to the DHS website where the training is located. Once completed, you will be emailed a certificate. Give your licensor a copy of that certificate for credit of 2 hrs of training.
Minnesota Statutes were amended in 2014 to protect foster children from the effects of second-hand smoke by establishing smoke-free foster care home requirements.
This bulletin provides information about the safety risks of second-hand smoke, smoke-free child foster care home requirements, and provides a link to training on health risks of exposure to second-hand smoke.
Due to the risks of second-hand smoke, foster homes for children are required to provide a smoke-free environment in the following areas:
If a foster parent does not provide a smoke-free environment for foster children, a placing agency must ask the foster parent to comply with a plan that includes training on the health risks of exposure to second-hand smoke. [Minnesota Statutes, section 260C.215, subdivision 9]
This training is also on YouTube at: Smoke Free Foster Care Laws.
American Indian Family and Children Services
25 Empire Drive St. Paul, MN 55103
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